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10 Sep 2024

Market Metrics: Listed Companies

The forward P/E ratio (price to earnings ratio) is a measure of the current share price of a company divided by the estimated future earnings per share of that company.

Meaning, a lower forward P/E ratio is generally better because it implies that you will pay a lower price for the listed company.

Attached is a forward P/E ratio for all 11 market sectors in Australia and a comparison of Australian listed companies against listed companies on other global stock exchanges.

Click for chart.

What is the chart saying?

Technology in Australia is expensive at 91.2 forward P/E ratio and same can be said globally with the NASDAQ at a 27.2 forward P/E ratio.

There are also value buying opportunities such as in German, England and China (DAX Performance, FTSE 100, and Shanghai) with forward P/E ratios measuring between 10 to 12 times.

The message is that investing is hard which is why employing talent, specifically having the right Portfolio Manager working for you is the key to achieving above index performance.

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